Journaling ideas

sun shining through lightbulb at the beach
Photo by Ameen Fahmy on Unsplash
January 29, 2022

  1. Mark down tutorial
    • The case for crypto
  2. Book reviews, Permanent Record
  3. Being a better teammate, work and personal
  4. AWS Lambda, SQS failures
  5. Gridsome
  6. Rants, macs touchbar.
  7. Quick git notes
  8. Quick programming philosophies
  9. Goals
  10. Learning Spanish
  11. Java Graphql, building your own execution strategy
  12. Jiu Jitsu & meditation
  13. Success
  14. Failure
  15. Principles & Values
  16. Embrace the suck
  17. Mental model framekworks
  18. Tech mental model: What? Why? How?
  19. Bourbon
  20. Power of clear communication
  21. Java exceptions
  22. Case for not returning null
  23. Simple pro & cons list
  24. Work on what you can control
  25. Synology
    • Taking back your data (bitwarden first post)
  26. Queue solutions
  27. Opportunities
  28. AWS Lambda Logging, packages
  29. Greatest videos of all time.
  30. What happens to the people in armed services when they are no longer needed?
  31. The Mediator
  32. Additional page - Links I found interesting?
    • Assisted death.